Strategic Networks Group provides broadband market reports for your geographical area, whether it be a small community or an entire state. These reports combine data from multiple public, private, and proprietary data sets to give you insight. Available reports include:
BroadbandAnalyzer® Overview Report Buy Now! - An overview of the broadband landscape in the geographic region, including the number of households with unmet broadband needs, and the estimated costs to build the required infrastructure to remediate gaps in broadband coverage.
BroadbandAnalyzer® Scoping Report (this report)- This report provides the information you need to understand the scope of funding required from grants, private equity, or other sources needed to build the broadband infrastructure require to fill gaps in service.
BroadbandAnalyzer® Planning Report Buy Now!- This report provides the information needed to develop specific funding and deployment plans to provide broadband to your geographic region. It adds the ability to export standard spreadsheet and geographical data files with entries for each census block or hex grid including filters for cost category and speed tier.
This rich information allows you to address key questions, including:
Which service locations have sufficient density to be economically viable for unsubsidized commercial fiber service vs requiring subsidies for commercial fiber service?
Which service locations would be better served by fixed wireless service?
What community institutions could be included in a community fiber deployment?
What community institutions could be leveraged to help provide fixed wireless broadband service?
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For the purpose of this report, broadband is defined as 25 megabits per second (Mbps) download speed and 3 Mbps upload speed (25/3), since that is the current federal definition of broadband.
It is important to note that federal funds being used to deploy new broadband service require at least 100/20 speeds to qualify for subsidy. Broadband serviceable locations without access to 25/3 broadband service are considered unserved and are the top priority for NTIA BEAD funding. Broadband serviceable locations without access to 100/20 broadband service are considered underserved and are the second priority for NTIA BEAD funding. Households with 100/100 broadband are considered to be served with future-proof service, although it is recognized that service in excess of 1000/1000 is being deployed in many areas and should be considered a high-value asset.
This report addresses broadband availability in Stanly County, North Carolina.
This county contains 1,726 census blocks, representing 61,354 individuals and 27,685 homes spanning 384.0701 square miles, excluding census blocks containing zero homes.
Figure 1.1: Area Census Block Summary
For the purpose of this analysis, census blocks are segmented in three ways.
* First, blocks are grouped into broadband service categories depending on the level of broadband service available within the block.
* Second, blocks are grouped by the number of households per linear road mile, corresponding to the expected cost to deploy fiber to homes within the census block.
* Third, blocks are grouped by the number of homes per square mile, corresponding to the expected cost to deploy fixed wireless service to homes within the census block.
Figure 1.2 shows the broadband service availability for all census blocks in the selected county.
Figure 1.2: Map of Broadband Service Levels - All Census Blocks
Click here for an interactive version of Figure 1.2.
The census blocks colors and transparency for this report are defined as follows:
Note that any household without access to 25/3 broadband will also lack access to 100/20 broadband, so some households counted in this table will also be counted in the previous table.
Note that any household without access to 25/3 or 100/20 broadband will also lack access to 100/100 broadband, so some households counted in this table will also be counted in the previous tables.
No census blocks were selected. Had you selected census blocks using the map drawing tools or by clicking on individual blocks a map and data table would be displayed here representing the selected blocks.
Starting from all 1726 census blocks, including only census blocks where:
yields 1592 ‘filtered’ blocks, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3: Map of Broadband Service Levels - Filtered Census Blocks
Click here for an interactive version of Figure 1.3.
Note that any household without access to 25/3 broadband will also lack access to 100/20 broadband, so some households counted in this table will also be counted in the previous table.
Note that any household without access to 25/3 or 100/20 broadband will also lack access to 100/100 broadband, so some households counted in this table will also be counted in the previous tables.
No census blocks were selected that matched the specified filters.
Fiber deployment cost is calculated per linear mile using the relevant row of the cost table using the formula: \[ \text{Fiber Cost} = ( \text{# Unserved Households} \times \text{Fiber Cost per Household}) + (\text{# Linear Road Miles} \times \text{Fiber Cost per Lineal Mile}) \]
Wireless cost per square mile is calculated using the relevant row of this table using the formula: \[ \text{Wireless Cost per Square Mile} = \frac{ \text{Wireless Tower Cost}}{ \pi * \text{Wireless Tower Range}^2} \] and the Wireless deployment cost is calculated per square mile using the relevant row of the cost table using the formula: \[ \text{Wireless Cost} = ( \text{# Unserved Households} \times \text{Wireless Cost per Household}) + (\text{# Square Miles} \times \text{Wireless Cost per Square Mile}) \]